Electrosurgery - Electrosurgery Units

Please call us for pricing and availability

Ethicon G110 Harmonic scalpel ESU

Valley Lab Force 2

Valley Lab Force 1B ESU
Valley Lab Force 1B ESU

Ethicon Harmonic Scalpel for use on model 300

Tens 2000 Dual Channel Stimulator kit

Tens 6000 Dual Channel with Screen

Redfield IRC-2100 Infrared Coagulator

Call us today at (760) 967-6453 if you can't find exactly what you are looking for.


Our Products

    - Anesthesia Machines
    - Gas Monitors
    - Vaporizors
   -  Audiology
    - Stress Test Systems
    - Treadmills
    - EKG
    - ICG Monitors
   -  Colposcopes
  -  Defibrillators
   - Battery Chargers
   - Dental
    - Electrosurgery Units
    - Leap Systems
    - Hyfrecators
    - Smoke Evacuators
    - Cameras
    - Camera Consoles
    - Light Sources
    - Flexible Scopes
    - Rigid Scopes
    - Video Processors
  ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat)
    - Ear/Nose/Throat
   - Surgery Microscopes
    - ECG
    - NIBP
    - Fetal Dopplers
    - Fetal Monitors
    - Cryo Guns
    - Infant Scales
  Physical Therapy
   -  Physical Therapy
  Pulse Oximetry
    - Pulse Oximeters
    - Infusion Pumps
    - Suction Pumps
    - Compression Pumps
    - Radiology
    - Spirometry
   -  Sterilizers
    - Surgery
    - Headlamps
    - Training Ultrasound
  - Vascular
  -  Misc